Hello Students!

Coursemate brings to you the selected few best of the best faculties who have mastered the subjects through a very long experience and teaching thousands of students and helping them passing the exams in first attempts itself by adopting exam passing skills.

So, why Coursemate is different from thousands of other educational institutes, websites and portals:

  • Only selected teachers onboard (in both online as well as classroom format)
  • All lectures focused on both conceptual knowledge as well as exam passing skills
  • Classroom format supported by e-learning (Students enrolled in classroom format will get backup e-learning content)
  • E-learning format supported by regular online one to one doubt sessions with each student
  • Personal touch is maintained by faculty with each student through one to one doubt sessions, regular tests and discussions of individual performance (in both online as well as classroom format)
  • Analysis of Exam trends and Practice Test Papers (PTPs) to do rigorous practice before exams, just the way you did for your 10th class 🙂

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